30 January 2012

How to use spaces

Following on from the Crater Lake post a developing theme may be the creative use of space in different ways.
Edward Lifson's blog has an interesting article on the use of the untitled Picasso sculpture in the Daley Plaza, Chicago.

All Images from

Whilst much has been written on this subject.  It seems that the images once again show more than words possibly could.  The use of an environment rather than merely a passive, viewing response has got to be healthier for the environment and for the user.
As Edwards Lifson states:
When necessary, we'll make a copy to put in the plaza, like the Florentines did with David.
This to me seems a much better response to your environment than leaving the sculpture behind a screen, forever protected from, but unable to be experienced by, the world.

How this could be translated to a natural environment, as we began by talking about with the mediated landscape of the Lake District is a question still to be answered.

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